Fish Of My Dreams

(Toldya there’d be fish rambles).

So thanks to my job as a Real-Life Beastmaster… or pet store employee… I’ve become a bit of a tropical fish expert and fiend by necessity. Unfortunately, being a Fish Expert is not exactly very useful in most real-life situations, unless you count “being able to determine how old someone’s tank is and what condition it’s in by glancing at the water test kit dipstrip” as a cool party trick, and most people don’t.

So most of my fish knowledge outside of work gets funneled into daydreaming about future fish tanks that I want. There are like ten or twenty of them, at least. Here’s a few:

The Gourami Tank
Two gold gouramis and two opaline gouramis. Probably in a 29-gallon or so. Gouramis are anabantoids, thus related to bettas and as such they tend not to hang out together very much so they’d definitely want space. This would mostly be a “tank for looks” more than anything, cause I think gold and opalines look beautiful together:

The African Cichlid Tank
I know people love their South Americans: oscars and angelfish and discus (and I do agree that Jack Dempseys are a classic), but I tend to favor the African Cichlids myself. I’m not going to sit here and make vain attempts to point out species, because the Africans are notorious for basically turning Lake Malawi and Lake Victoria into genetic playgrounds where 2000 cichlid species have evolved over a mere ten thousand years or something. All I’m gonna say is: look at the colors on these things:

Do want!

I’d put those four into like… a 55 gallon tank or something. With lots of plants.

Cherry Barb Wonderland
Cherry Barbs (Puntius titteya) are my babies. I love them so much. I have a few right now in a small tank, and I spoil them as best as one can spoil fish– large frequent water changes, bloodworm treats, the works. They show their gratitude (or hunger, I suppose) by swimming up to the glass and getting all excited anytime I pass by. I want a giant school of them.

I might combine the Cherry Barb Wonderland tank with…

Otocinclus and Cory Cat Wonderland

Unlike some folks who see utility fish as simply being, well, utility fish, I love them for what they are. I think they’re absolutely adorable. Both otos and cory cats are happier in big groups, so I’d get giant groups of each. :3

The Rainbow Fish Tank
Rainbows are some of the most underrated fish ever, and I think it’s because they start out all drab and boring when they’re young and don’t get pretty until later.

Well, I’m willing to wait:

…well, those are just a few of my dream tanks. I’m always coming up with new ones, so I may very well be doomed to be the Crazy Fish Lady someday.

Pike’s Fish Geekery hits you for 78234 (critical). You die.

10 thoughts on “Fish Of My Dreams”

  1. It’s a shame that north american cichlids never get any love. Bluegills and Redyes are actually quite attractive when you can see them alive and swimming around. But that blue one IS a beauty!

    NO ROOM. The platys have taken over!

  2. @ Grimmtooth – I’m actually not too familiar with North American cichlids. I’m sure if I was, I’d go nuts over them though. I <3 underrated fish.

    I also <3 platies. Even if they take over. Bwahaha.

  3. One of those cherry barbs (or a whole lot) would be really neat to have. Dang I love those colors! I remember having a tank of fish when I was younger and I had neon tetras (don’t remember what else =/)….loved that splash of color. It’s just about the only fish I can name on sight aside from betas and goldfish. XD

  4. Okay, okay, I must comment.

    I started reading various WoW-blogs a while ago, specifically on hunters, and really enjoyed Aspect of the Hare. So I kinda followed you here for enjoyable reading to lurk some more. Gahhh and then you post about fish and officially become my favourite blogger in my reader.

    I myself am planning on creating a big South American biotope when I move into a place with more room, mostly ’cause I’m in love with rainbowfish, as well as an African cichlid tank with frontosas as a centre-piece. I have a secret fondness for gouramis as well, due to my addiction to bettas.

    /fish <3

  5. Ok Here’s a question for you…

    I’ve got a 20 gallon fresh water tank. It’s been empty for a while. I recently cleaned it out and and am getting it ready for fish again. I’m self admittedly lazy when it comes to taking care of the tank though. I don’t mind changing the water every couple of weeks and keeping the filter clean and whatnot. I test the water weekly to make sure all the chemical/pH/etc. levels are where they’re supposed to be but I don’t want fish that are really picky about their environment.

    I like pretty fish… that’s one of the main reasons I got the tank in the first place but when it comes right down to it I’d prefer hearty over flashy.

    What kind of fish would you recommend and how many? Also real plants or fake? I’ve never had real plants in my tank before but I do like the look of them over the crappy plastic ones…

  6. “Pike’s Fish Geekery hits you for 78234 (critical). You die.”

    I laugh in the face of this alleged damage. As I’m sure you’ve gleaned, I’m a real-life pet lover, so this is the kind of post that I absolutely love. As Ran said, you’ve become probably my favorite blogger.

    I’m not the biggest fish guy out there, but when I was little, I had a bunch of fish. I never had the temperature-sensitive or saltwater fish, but I had oodles of goldfish, tetras, guppies, algae eaters, and such over the course of my pre-adolescence. I remember with fondness a Betta that I had for a few years back then…

    Not to mention the crayfish, the snails, and those little crabs that you see all the time.

    I’ve been a herp person for quite some time, though. I still have my first herp, actually. A Japanese fire-bellied newt that I’ve had for at least sixteen years or so. And I’ll have to tell you one time about how I accidentally bred a batch of African dwarf frogs… >.>

  7. @ Alorina – Hmm. First I must admit, I am biased toward frequent and large water changes 😉 because I have seen fish do well on them.

    You have about “twenty inches worth of fish” to play with if we abide by the old axiom, though if you want less maintenance you will want less fish. You may want to try some platies, maybe four or five of them– they come in many different colors and are also known for being rather hardy.

    Zebra Danios are another legendary “hardy fish”.

    Regardless of what you choose, keep in mind that for the first few weeks you will have to do a water change every other day or so, until the tank cycles 🙂

    As for plants– I’ve heard arguments both for and against live plants– the “for” will definitely help to filter your tank so I’d say go for it!

  8. Fishies! I do plan to own an aquarium myself, when and/or if I can ever get the space for one. I’d need to get ones that are rather low maintainance, because I tend to have a habit about forgetting about things, like feeding them.

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